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How 5S is Impactful to Any Business

How 5S is Impactful to Any Business

Quality management is an age-old concept dating back to the mid-80’s and lean concepts have been in practice since the 1700’s. One does not replace the other; yet they can each assist in any company’s quality assurance program. Today, our blog focuses on the 5S methodology and how it acts as a great starting point for all improvement programs. Furthermore, 5S increases efficiencies and safety as a result of shop floor organization. However, the 5S system is not limited to just a business’ shop floor; 5S expands into all facets of the business including the office.



The 5 Key Pillars of 5S: 

These pillars create structure and provide standards within any given process. Sort focuses on keeping the bare essentials. Set in order emphasizes functional management and search elimination (a place for everything and everything in its place). Shine keeps everything clean and ready to be used through inspection. Standardize serves as the methodology by which the first 3 “S’s” are maintained. Sustain creates conditions and structures to sustain the commitment.



Key Benefits of Implementing 5S

There are several key benefits of implementing 5S. It provides associates with fixed locations for items used on a daily basis, enables visibility of the process to expedite value added flows, creates an environment that exceeds customer expectations due to internal efficiencies, improves morale, and regains space and removes waste. From a cultural standpoint, organization's core values are echoed throughout the business where 5S is implemented because there is a demonstrated commitment to driving improvement and associate's success. Most importantly, associates develop a personal sense of pride and ownership in their contribution to their success and the company's. Every associate has a hand in the execution of 5S. As a result, collaboration increases inter and intra-departmentally and ultimately, teamwork is positively enhanced. 


Executing 5S

To execute 5S, companies do not need a specific level of education within their team; but only a strategic focus on continuous improvement with a desire to function in a clean and well-organized area. Organizations capitalize on the opportunity to garner the input of their associates which demonstrates a respect for their internal talent and as a result, earns the respect and buy-in of key players within the 5S system. 


Partnering with 5S Companies

Customers benefit greatly from partnering with 5S companies because efficiencies are the cornerstone to its success. Items for daily use are located within direct reach which means there is less time of the associates spent walking and looking this allow the associate to remain focused and continue to provide value for the customer. Ultimately, 5S leads to quicker response times, enhanced quality, and accurate inventories




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